Photo: SBS

12. August 2024

SBS: One Software for Many Self-Service Devices

As a leading provider of banking software in Salzburg, SBS is now exploring new markets. The company remains true to its core segment by offering manufacturer-neutral software for self-service devices in additional sectors.

Everyone knows them: ATMs with various functions that are found in the self-service areas of banks. These devices require reliable software that is available around the clock, ensures secure transactions, and provides a smooth user experience. Since banks often use devices from different manufacturers, integrating and operating these systems can be complex for banks. This is where SBS comes in. As a specialist in manufacturer-neutral software solutions, SBS is able to integrate various device models and operate them with standard software. This allows banks flexibility in choosing self-service devices and functions. While it sounds simple, much needs to be considered, as these are critical functions that must meet high-security standards and be available 24/7.

Expansion to Other Self-Checkout Devices

With its current project, SBS aims to enter a new segment: self-checkout devices. These could include self-service checkouts at retailers, which also come from different manufacturers and are equipped with various modules such as barcode scanners or cash modules. While software for these devices does exist, what will be new is providing manufacturer-neutral software that brings the same reliability from the banking sector. “The environment of self-service devices is overall much more heterogeneous than just the banking sector,” explains Lukas Binder, Business Developer at SBS. “We see a significant need to both simplify handling for operators and to automate processes with new technologies.” The appropriate funding for this innovation project was quickly found with the help of the experts from Innovation Salzburg.

Information on Intellectual Property Rights

“We were also made aware of the possibility of free consultations on intellectual property rights,” says Sebastian Braunwieser, also a Business Developer at SBS. For a software company, the issue of intellectual property rights is far from trivial. What can actually be protected, how to ensure that you don’t infringe on others’ rights, and many other questions were addressed during an initial consultation within discover.ip. “It was extremely helpful for us and gave us several action items,” says Sebastian Braunwieser. “The knowledge we gained from the extensive meeting with the experts was considerable.”


  • SBS Headquarters: Salzburg
  • 110 Employees
  • Manufacturer-neutral software for self-service devices

Contacts for Innovation Funding

Mag. Romana Schwab

Head of Service Center Innovation

+43 5 7599 722 76

Florian Dürager

Mag. (FH) Florian Dürager

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