24. May 2023
EdTech Austria Summit: How modern education works
On June 1st, the second EdTech Austria Summit will take place. The event, organized by EdTech Austria and Innovation Salzburg, focuses on the future of education.

17. February 2023
Meet us @salz21 – Our offer for you at the Innovation Festival
Panels, Workshops, Pitchings – here you can find our program and all our offerings for you at the salz21 innovation festival on March 15th and 16th at the Salzburg Exhibition Center (Messe Salzburg) at a glance!

13. January 2023
Welcome to our new web portal!
Get to know us and our services: presented in a new way just for you!

20. January 2022
EdTech Austria is a pioneer in digital education in Austria
Education Technologies, or EdTech, can make learning more engaging, personalize it, improve success rates, support educators, and foster new skills in learners. The initiative EdTech Austria, within Innovation Salzburg, supports the digitalization of education in Austria.