
Our posts featuring tips, services, and information about the business location of Salzburg are gathered here. Use the filter to display posts according to your interests.

6. August 2020

Salzburgian Spirit of Innovation: Ursula Maier-Rabler

Ursula Maier-Rabler (Center for Information and Communication Technologies & Society at the University of Salzburg and advisory board member of ditact) discusses ditact, barriers for women in STEM professions, and how to overcome them in the interview.

5. August 2020

Technical innovation for deaf children

The Josef Rehrl School is a school for deaf children that focuses primarily on inclusion through innovation and digitalization. The newly opened school building, inaugurated in 2019, meets the latest standards.

15. July 2020

STM waterjet GmbH makes its customers IoT-ready

Water can do more than just quench thirst or clean; it can also cut. With the right pressure and technique, water can slice through a variety of materials with tremendous force. STM waterjet GmbH is a highly successful company that specializes in the development of waterjet cutting systems.

14. July 2020

“Liefering is more inspiring to me than any trendy district in Vienna.”

Filmmaker Adrian Goiginger, known for his successful debut film “Die Beste aller Welten,” discussed with us in an interview why Salzburg remains his top choice as a film location.

9. July 2020

New Christian Doppler Laboratory in Salzburg supports Doctors Without Borders

The new CD laboratory at the Department of Geoinformatics – Z_GIS of the Paris Lodron University Salzburg collaborates with Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders). Satellite images and other data from Earth observation support the NGO in assessing crisis areas and planning relief operations.

1. July 2020

On the film set of “Die Toten von Salzburg”

In Salzburg, not only does the film roll, but the pen also rolls over the screenplay. And not just in the case of the tourist magnet Sound of Music, but also in the successful case of the film crew of “Die Toten von Salzburg” among the familiar faces that have already been in front of the camera in Salzburg.

25. June 2020

Having a comprehensive view with sensors in UNTHA machines

Digitalization happens in any case, whether with or without us – that is a motto that UNTHA has taken to heart. As a producer of shredding machines, the company is an industry leader in innovation through its digitalization projects.

26. May 2020

Software Automation: Digitally Wired

SW Automation manufactures control cabinets for special machines. With the digital twin, wire harness machine, and wiring app, the Golling-based company has automated its processes for control cabinet construction.

7. May 2020

Working more safely with “Angel”

To prevent electrical accidents, ADRESYS has developed the smart protection system called “Angel”. The system detects when an electrical current flows through the body and there is a voltage drop between the upper arms. In case of emergency, the electrical current is interrupted and a distress call is sent out.

30. April 2020

Contactless cash withdrawal with Salzburg Banking Software (SBS)

Over half of the ATMs in Austria and Germany are already operated with SBS software, which enables contactless cash withdrawal. In the interview, Managing Director Wolfgang Braunwieser explained the technology behind the software.

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