17. December 2020
Research meets Business: The DIH West
The Digital Innovation Hub (DIH) West supports SMEs from Western Austria in their digital transformation through a collaboration of universities, interest groups, and companies from Salzburg, Tyrol, and Vorarlberg. The range of services includes educational offerings, coaching sessions, and joint working groups.
16. December 2020
New Josef Ressel Center: How to connect complex systems
The new Josef Ressel Center at the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences is researching how systems can be built to reliably function in conjunction with other systems.
17. October 2019
Data Science – Students Speed Dating with Companies
He lives in a complex world full of logical connections. Since the winter semester of 2018, Christian Borgelt has been working as a professor of Data Science at the University of Salzburg. His research professorship is funded by the state and city of Salzburg, as well as the Federation of Austrian Industries. We spoke with him about Deep Learning, Data Science, and problem-oriented work.