
Our posts featuring tips, services, and information about the business location of Salzburg are gathered here. Use the filter to display posts according to your interests.

17. February 2023

Meet us @salz21 – Our offer for you at the Innovation Festival

Panels, Workshops, Pitchings – here you can find our program and all our offerings for you at the salz21 innovation festival on March 15th and 16th at the Salzburg Exhibition Center (Messe Salzburg) at a glance!

1. December 2022

This is what you should know about funding

So that you are prepared for the next funding application, we will answer the most important questions about innovation funding here.

28. November 2022

Healthier lifestyle through digital tools

The Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Digital Health and Prevention in Salzburg is celebrating its third birthday.

19. September 2022

New collaboration for vesicle research

“Extracellular Vesicles Therapeutic Technologies” is a flagship project of the Science and Innovation Strategy of the state of Salzburg and is supported by funding from the state of Salzburg and the European Regional Development Fund for investments in growth and employment.

1. September 2022

Research and Transfer Centers in Salzburg

Salzburg has a strong research landscape with six universities and universities of applied sciences, as well as numerous non-university research institutions. The WISS2030 initiative further strengthens research structures in Salzburg.

31. August 2022

Forum Alpbach: Bioeconomy and Circular Economy

House insulation made of wood bark, bio-based adhesives, and wood-hybrid components for the mobility industry – visions and real solutions for a lived bioeconomy inspired the audience during the first official appearance of the nationwide network “Bioeconomy Austria” at the annual Forum Alpbach in the Tyrolean mountains. A new era of sustainable thinking is being ushered in.

2. August 2022

Here’s what you need to know about intellectual property rights!

What can I protect in my company? How do I do it? And how much does it cost? Find out all this and more here!

2. August 2022

Collaborations and partnership search in research

To conduct research and development, companies often need competent partners from the world of academia. Here you can learn how to best approach the search for such partners and what to consider when forming a cooperation.

30. June 2022

Salzburg’s Top Research Presented Itself in Vienna

Salzburg’s research landscape is impressive! To showcase flagship projects from the WISS, the Science and Research Strategy of the State of Salzburg, in the fields of Cybersecurity, Life Sciences, Circular Economy, and Startup Salzburg, Innovation Salzburg organized the WISS Roadshow on Wednesday, June 29th, at the House of Engineers in Vienna.

30. June 2022

FH Salzburg: New Josef Ressel Centre researches assistance systems for industrial automation

Behind Industry 4.0. lies a grand vision: value chains that react flexibly to environmental changes, adapt and are intelligently coordinated. This would enable industry to produce personalised and individualised goods that reach the market faster, all through automated and autonomous manufacturing processes.

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