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26. April 2022

Circular economy in the construction sector

In the new research project, recycled concrete is being enriched with CO2 for the first time in Austria. This takes the circular economy of the construction industry to the next level and has a positive impact on the overall cost structure of construction projects.

14. June 2021

Salzburg’s innovative spirit: Christian Neureiter

Christian Neureiter is the head of the new Josef Ressel Center at FH Salzburg, where research is conducted on “Dependable System-of-Systems Engineering”. Together with industry partners, they are investigating how complex systems, such as Industry 4.0, can be reliably developed.

16. December 2020

IDA Lab: Advancing through research in Data Science

Due to digitalization, many companies are sitting on valuable data sets whose potential often remains untapped. With the IDA Lab, Salzburg’s companies have a research partner for data science and artificial intelligence at their disposal.

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