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30. June 2022
Salzburg’s Top Research Presented Itself in Vienna
Salzburg’s research landscape is impressive! To showcase flagship projects from the WISS, the Science and Research Strategy of the State of Salzburg, in the fields of Cybersecurity, Life Sciences, Circular Economy, and Startup Salzburg, Innovation Salzburg organized the WISS Roadshow on Wednesday, June 29th, at the House of Engineers in Vienna.
30. June 2022
FH Salzburg: New Josef Ressel Centre researches assistance systems for industrial automation
Behind Industry 4.0. lies a grand vision: value chains that react flexibly to environmental changes, adapt and are intelligently coordinated. This would enable industry to produce personalised and individualised goods that reach the market faster, all through automated and autonomous manufacturing processes.
24. June 2022
START-Prize of over one million euros for young researcher
The bioscientist Elfriede Dall from the University of Salzburg has been awarded the START Prize, Austria’s most highly endowed and recognised science prize for young researchers. Over the next six years, the prize winner will have 1.2 million euros at her disposal for her research on the cell protein legumain.
15. June 2022
Why SAG relies on liquid hydrogen as fuel
Liquid hydrogen (LH2) is increasingly becoming the focus of attention when it comes to alternative fuels for commercial vehicles. The Salzburg Aluminium Group is researching how to store it in tanks. Esther Lind from SAG told us at our Industry Talks at the salz21 innovation festival how SAG manages to store LH2 at – 253 degrees.
14. June 2022
Achieving visible peaks through cooperation – Interview with Sabine Seidler
On 8 June 2022, we welcomed top-class speakers in Salzburg on the subject of universities and higher education in the 21st century. One of them was Sabine Seidler, Rector of the Vienna University of Technology. We asked her what the university of the future looks like for her and how a location can be successful despite small-scale structures and demographic change.
13. June 2022
Behind the scenes of the WIKARUS jury
Who are the most innovative companies in Salzburg? This is the question asked by the WIKARUS jury, who will award the Salzburg Business Prize on 27 September. The submissions are currently being evaluated. As our innovation expert and head of the Innovation Service Centre Romana Schwab is part of the jury in the “Innovation” category, we are allowed to take a look behind the scenes.
8. June 2022
University location Salzburg focuses on specialization
The challenges and strategic development of the domestic research and university location are on the agenda for the scientific elite of Salzburg these days. Additionally, today, they are meeting with the Austrian Council for Research and Technology Development.
28. April 2022
How clothing can save lives
Smart textiles can protect firefighters from overheating or support the product development of sports equipment. Research helps to maintain well-being and physical and cognitive performance through the use of textile sensors.
26. April 2022
Circular economy in the construction sector
In the new research project, recycled concrete is being enriched with CO2 for the first time in Austria. This takes the circular economy of the construction industry to the next level and has a positive impact on the overall cost structure of construction projects.
11. March 2022
With software to the research premium
If you want to get the research grant for a software development, the software must offer innovative and new solutions. A fine line to engineering. IOVAVUM shows how to get a research grant in the IT sector.