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13. August 2021

Fighting Covid-19 as an economic boost

Covid19 has undoubtedly shaken up many things. Entire industries have had and continue to struggle with the effects; it is not predictable how quickly it will truly end. It is precisely this uncertain situation, the shift to digital processes, and the new significance of medical services that means a boost for some companies and initiatives.

11. August 2021

Craftsmanship 4.0 in Tamsweg

The company Steinwender Haustechnik, based in Tamsweg, used the standstill during the COVID-19 pandemic to upgrade digitally: digital inventory management and construction site documentation make work easier and more efficient. The Tamsweg-based company received funding from the state of Salzburg for this project.

9. August 2021

Production 4.0 in Bischofshofen

Automation, Industry 4.0 production, and e-learning are the digitalization processes that Viper Tubes Systems initiated last year. This was made possible by the DigiInvest funding, which is the digitalization support of the Salzburg state.

5. August 2021

The toothbrush comes from Adnet

Many of the toothbrushes that we use daily are produced in Adnet by M+C Schiffer. The company has implemented projects towards digitalization and ecological sustainability, resulting in resource savings and relieving the workload of employees.

27. July 2021

Lorrygram – Transportainment made in Salzburg

Transportainment, the combination of transport and entertainment, is the mission of Johann Strasser. In the 1990s, his company Wingliner created easy-to-use truck bodies that can be opened and closed automatically.

19. July 2021

Using digital tools to improve sleep

Digital help for people with sleep problems: A virtual sleep lab will offer digital sleep analysis as well as coaching for optimizing sleep hygiene and sleep environment.

8. July 2021

Introducing Building Information Modeling

Building Information Modelling (BIM) allows for the digital representation of a building’s lifecycle, from planning to all construction phases and even building management. At the AGIT 2021 Innovation Salzburg Forum, experts discussed the applications that BIM enables in construction and real estate.

6. July 2021

Innovative and climate-friendly mobility on two wheels

As part of the flagship project EMotion, a high-profile consortium including Salzburg Research, KTM, and other partners is developing a cost-effective, energy-efficient, and comfortable electric two-wheeler. A prototype is in the works, and results from an international study on needs and acceptance are available.

14. June 2021

Salzburg’s innovative spirit: Christian Neureiter

Christian Neureiter is the head of the new Josef Ressel Center at FH Salzburg, where research is conducted on “Dependable System-of-Systems Engineering”. Together with industry partners, they are investigating how complex systems, such as Industry 4.0, can be reliably developed.

17. May 2021

Cybercrime: Staying Safe

According to a study by KPMG, in 2020, six out of ten Austrian companies were victims of cyber attacks. However, 41 percent of domestic businesses are not preparing for the financial impacts and expected costs of cyber attacks.

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