
Our posts featuring tips, services, and information about the business location of Salzburg are gathered here. Use the filter to display posts according to your interests.

8. June 2022

Salzburg focuses on specialization as a university location

The challenges and strategic development of the domestic research and higher education location are on the agenda of Salzburg’s scientific elite these days, who met with the Austrian Council for Research and Technology Development on Wednesday, 8.6.2022.

31. May 2022

Businesses need more cyber resilience

What do PALFINGER, Salzburg Milch and the University of Salzburg have in common? They were victims of a cyberattack. How Salzburg can strengthen its cyber resilience was discussed by a top-class panel at the panel discussion “Cyber resilience as a key factor” on 18 May 2022 at the salz21 innovation festival.

19. May 2022

Daily cyber attacks on companies

A recent Austrian-wide study by KPMG shows how strongly domestic companies are affected by cybercrime. 67 percent report cyber attacks in the last twelve months. The study was presented on Wednesday, 18 May 2022, by the FH Salzburg and Innovation Salzburg.

28. April 2022

How clothing can save lives

Smart textiles can protect firefighters from overheating or support the product development of sports equipment. Research helps to maintain well-being and physical and cognitive performance through the use of textile sensors.

26. April 2022

Circular economy in the construction sector

In the new research project, recycled concrete is being enriched with CO2 for the first time in Austria. This takes the circular economy of the construction industry to the next level and has a positive impact on the overall cost structure of construction projects.

13. April 2022

AI – Benefits and implementation tips

Artificial intelligence, big data, neural networks, machine learning – in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) we encounter terms that do not exactly simplify the understanding of this already complex topic. Here we give you a classification of the terms to make artificial intelligence and its accompanying processes more understandable.

11. March 2022

With software to the research premium

If you want to get the research grant for a software development, the software must offer innovative and new solutions. A fine line to engineering. IOVAVUM shows how to get a research grant in the IT sector.

10. March 2022

When does a project fall under R&D?

Is your company involved in research and/or development? With many projects it is not entirely clear whether a project is actually research or perhaps “only” an engineering project. With our help, you can manage the correct classification of your project.

8. March 2022

Detecting anomalies in real-time networks

The timely detection of anomalies in communication networks is particularly important for time-critical applications. The longer it takes to detect an anomaly and respond to it, the more serious the consequences can be. Salzburg Research has developed a software architecture that can detect and respond to anomalies in real time using machine learning.

7. March 2022

These funding opportunities exist for intellectual property rights

99 percent of companies in the EU are SMEs, yet only nine percent have registered rights for Intellectual Property (IP). However, there are many support services available that can help with IP protection. We strongly encourage you to invest in your intellectual property strategy.

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