SMEs can apply for a research premium from the tax office for expenses related to research and development (R&D), both for in-house and commissioned research. 14 percent of R&D costs are funded, such as wages for researchers and expenses for research equipment.
In 2023, the research premium regained significant popularity. 2,625 Austrian companies applied for 1.2 billion euros in research allowances. They submitted a minimum of 9,300 applications, with eighty percent coming from SMEs.
Apply for the research premium on FinanzOnline
The research premium is processed by the FFG. Companies engaged in R&D activities can apply for the premium at the tax office via FinanzOnline. If the R&D activity is in-house research, a yearly report from the FFG is required to claim the research premium. Companies can also apply for this report on FinanzOnline.
Do you have any questions about the research premium? Innovation Salzburg advises Salzburg companies on this topic – contact us!
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