Best Practices and Synergies in the Danube Region
The Interreg project DECIDE – Strengthening the Circular Economy: Best Practices and Synergies in the Danube Region – is working on innovative solutions for the green transformation in the Danube Region. The project aims to provide small and medium-sized enterprises, start-ups and business promoters in the Danube region with the necessary methods and tools to develop successful business models for the circular economy. These models are crucial to achieving the goals of the European Green Deal by making sustainable products the norm, finding ways to transform resource-intensive sectors and making the circular economy work in practice.
Project details
DECIDE – Strengthening the Circular Economy: Best Practices and Synergies in the Danube Region (DRP0200299)
01.01.2024 – 30.06.2026
Interreg Danube Region 2021-2027
2.309.400 Euro
- Lead: Centre for Digitalisation Böblingen District – ZD.BB GmbH (DE)
- Reutlingen University (DE)
- University of Zagreb, Faculty of Organization and Informatics (HR)
- Technology Innovation Centre Medimurje Ltd. (HR)
- University of Maribor (SI)
- Pulp an Paper Institut (SI)
- Sofia University, Science and Research Department (BG)
- Omnipack First Hungarian Packaging Technology Cluster (HU)
- University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science and Technology (RO)
- Alumni Association of Petru Maior University (RO)
- Innovation Salzburg GmbH (AT)
- Social Cooperative Humana Nova (HR)
- Alecu Russo Balti State University (MD)
- Regional Agency for the development of small an medium size enterprises Alma Mons Ltd. (RS)
- Sarajevo Economic Region Development Agency (BA)
- The project aims to develop methods and tools for SMEs, start-ups and business developers in the Danube region to implement successful business models for the circular economy
- These models are crucial for achieving the goals of the European Green Deal by making sustainable products the norm, finding ways to transform resource-intensive sectors and making the circular economy usable in practice.