Project details
Startup Weekend Bayern Salzburg Tirol – Digitalisierung und Innovation in Zeiten der Klimakrise
Project duration
01.10.2023 – 30.06.2024
Project funding
- Interreg Österreich-Bayern
- Euregio
Funding amount
34,134.70 Euro
Project partners
- Lead: Stellwerk18 – Digitale Wirtschaft Südostoberbayern (DE)
- Berchtesgadener Land Wirtschaftsservice GmbH (DE)
- Chiemgau GmbH Wirtschaftsförderung (DE)
- Wirtschaftskammer Tirol (AT)
- Startup.Tirol via Standortagentur Tirol GmbH (AT)
- Startup Salzburg via Innovation Salzburg GmbH (AT)
Project objectives
- motivating founders and students to become entrepreneurial and to bind them to the Salzburg-Bavaria-Tyrol border region
- identifying and specifically promoting business models with a focus on “Digitalization and Innovation in Times of the Climate Crisis”
- cross-border networking of founders, young entrepreneurs, and project partners
- identification of innovations and new business fields
- participants receive comprehensive feedback and valuable cross-border contacts to advance their business projects
- establishment of new companies for sustainable economic development in the Alpine region, especially in the areas of digitalization and innovation to address the challenge of the climate crisis
- raising awareness among the population for digitalization and innovation