Past projects

The completed funded projects, in which we have participated as partners or leads, can be found in this section.

Innovation Hub Pioniergarage Salzburg

With the Pioniergarage Salzburg, we are creating the first innovation workshop including a makerspace in the Salzburg area. Regional actors from education, research, science, business, and public organizations will be connected here, building a strong regional innovation network.

Startup Weekend Bayern Salzburg Tyrol

The entire network of academia and businesses from the five project regions – Rosenheim, Traunstein, Berchtesgadener Land, Tyrol, and Salzburg – will be involved in collectively exploring sustainable and innovative solutions in our region.


The aim is to develop a toolkit to support SMEs, young entrepreneurs, researchers, innovation agencies, TTOs, DIHs, EDIHs, PATLIBs, and academics, and to raise awareness of intellectual property management and commercial models related to the three Os of software, hardware, and data.

Cool*Alps – TAB goes Green Deal

“Cool Alps” supports the dissemination of thermally activated buildings, which enable CO2-free heating and cooling and make settlements more flexible and resilient to extreme heat periods.



The “Do What You Love” programme Bavaria-Salzburg promotes cross-border entrepreneurial culture and aims to support the participating startups in building their network and encouraging exchange of experiences.

Alpine construction and urban development

For a sustainable development of urban structures in the Alpine region, it is important to efficiently utilize the existing land and site potentials and integrate them with new technologies in building and energy systems.


Startup Camp Alpine Connects 2.0

The Startup Camp Alpine Connects 2.0 promotes sustainability and innovation in the Alpine region. In May 2023, startups, their buddies, and experts gathered in Heutal to collaborate on ideas together.

Logo Digital Innovation Hub West

Digital Innovation Hub West

The activities of the DIH West focus on information and individual consulting, further education, thematic networking of SMEs and research institutions in the digital field.

Healthy into the future

Tourist needs such as health, regionalism, authenticity, mindfulness, nature as a place of longing, and natural (health) resources are further strengthened as a result of the current situation, becoming benchmarks in long-term tourism product development. There is therefore a great need for support measures for tourist regions.


Startup Camp Alpine Connects

Im Grenzraum zwischen Bayern und Österreich steckt viel Potenzial für Gründer:innen. Die Chiemgauer und Berchtesgadener Alpen verbinden geographisch den deutsch-österreichischen Grenzraum von Tirol nach Rosenheim über Traunstein, ins Berchtesgadener Land und zurück nach Salzburg … und sind somit auch die Namensgeber für dieses Startup Camp.

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