We support Salzburg companies in all industries to lead innovations in the company from the idea to success in the market. If you can answer the following questions predominantly with yes, you are in the right place with your project:
- Will the project achieve new opportunities in the company?
- Does the project present an economic and/or technical challenge for the company?
- Will the project create added value in the state of Salzburg?
- Is an economic added value expected through the project? (e.g. job security or creation, increase in efficiency, etc.)
- Is knowledge from experts outside the company needed for the project? (e.g. from research, technical expertise, expertise in intellectual property, market research, etc.)

Services for companies
Finance & funding
From regional to national and international level, there are a variety of innovation and investment grants available for companies. We help you to find the right ones!

Services for companies
Legal & protection
Patent, trademark, copyright & co.: Our experts have the know-how to protect your know-how.

Services for companies
Setting up & settling in
If you want to establish your business in Salzburg, we are your partner!

Services for companies
Collaborations & networking
Networking and cooperation often make the difference on the way to a successful future. With Innovation Salzburg, you will find your cooperation partners more easily.

Services for companies
Human Ressources & potential new employees
We help you to convince new potential employees of the location.
24. September 2024
Onboarding New Employees – Tips for Getting Started
Onboarding new international employees is a critical phase for long-term success and satisfaction within the company. Read here how it can work even better.
6. September 2024
Franz-Benjamin Mocnik researches the communication of places.
In Salzburg, there is an exciting digitization research project: Franz-Benjamin Mocnik is studying the communication of places for the Faculty of DAS.
15. August 2024
Sunbeam Yachts: Where Craftsmanship Meets Digitalization
Sunbeam Yachts has been building exclusive sailing yachts at Mattsee for generations. The production is done by hand, with some processes now digitally supported.
12. August 2024
SBS: One Software for Many Self-Service Devices
As a leading provider of banking software in Salzburg, SBS is now exploring new markets. The company remains true to its core segment by offering manufacturer-neutral software for self-service devices in additional sectors.