With Innovation Salzburg, your ideas are always safe. Whether patents, trademarks or copyrights – our experts know how to protect your know-how. They know what to look out for and will make you aware of any potential stumbling blocks. They will tell you what funding is available in your area and advise you on how to formulate a strategy that protects your intellectual property from theft, thereby safeguarding your success. We also offer regular patent, trademark, design, and copyright consultation days (all dates can be found in the event calendar).
2. August 2022
Here’s what you need to know about intellectual property rights!
What can I protect in my company? How do I do it? And how much does it cost? Find out all this and more here!
7. March 2022
These funding opportunities exist for intellectual property rights
99 percent of companies in the EU are SMEs, yet only nine percent have registered rights for Intellectual Property (IP). However, there are many support services available that can help with IP protection. We strongly encourage you to invest in your intellectual property strategy.